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Professional - Experienced - English speaking

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As well as in psychotherapy, couples therapy requires a professional approach to deal with the crises and difficulties of both partners. Often among the partners there is very much at stake. Beside an impartial empathy for both partners such situations require trained and professional knowledge and skills. I look forward to provide you with my expertise. I am a member of the Swiss Federation of Psychologists and the society for person-centered psychotherapy and counselling.


Paar Rücken an Rücken

Couple Session

Couple session involve often times the following:

  • On one hand, a constructive approach to negative emotions within the relationship: prevention of escalations, stopping of attacks and withdrawls
  • On the other hand, the re-establishing of positive closeness in various forms: planning for the future, affective gestures, joint activities, successful calls, sexuality, and much more.
  • And finally, to a certain extent each partner must emotionnaly self-regulate the attachment bonds on his / her own, because my partner can't be there every time I need him / her to be there and because partners can have different needs in the same situation..

Topics and problems in couples

Methoden Paartherapie

Meine therapeutischen Grundhalten entspringen der personzentrierten Gesprächspsychotherapie nach Carl Rogers und der Emotionsfokussierten Paartherapie (Emotion Focused Therapy for Couples nach Greenberg). Eine systemische Betrachtungsweise ist mir ebenso wichtig.

Was der eine Partner mitteilt, sollte, so gut wie es geht, vom andern Partner emotional und gedanklich nachvollzogen werden. Dies ist das gesprächstherapeutische Grundprinzip. Dieses tiefere Verstehen des Andern ist ein wichtiger Motor für den Fortschritt. Ein solches Vorgehen ermöglicht häufig erst, Zugang zu finden zu den zentralen emotionalen Erlebenisinhalten, ohne dass man sich emotional zurückzieht oder im Gegenteil in einer Angriffstellung verharrt...

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Praxis Frank Margulies - Zeughausstrasse 39 - 8004 Zürich - - Telefon 043 317 19 38

ZSR-Nummer: T664331

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Praxis Frank Margulies
Zeughausstrasse 39 
8004 Zürich

Phone 043 317 19 38

ZSR-Nummer: T664331